If you are not completely satisfied at the time of the inspection, not only will we refund the inspection fee, but we’ll also pay for another licensed inspector of your choice (up to the original inspection fee). We are so confident in the job we do, we’re willing to back it up 200%!

If, for any reason, you do not close on the house that we initially inspected, we will give you $100 off your second inspection within six months of the original inspection. That’s our buyer protection plan.

In the future, should you have questions regarding your home that we inspected, you can always count on us to answer them. Always feel free to give us a call.

We dedicate all of our time and energy to delivering first-class service to YOU, our customer. Our philosophy about real estate is simple. We put ourselves in your shoes, treat you like family, and treat your home like it was our home. The greatest compliment we can receive is a referral from you to a friend or family member. Our goal is to become your personal building consultants for life!


"Joseph and his team are awesome! They do a great inspection and really care about their clients! Highly recommend!"


The More We Do, The More Defects We Find, The More Money You Save!

Proudly serving Kentucky & Indiana since 2006.